
Here you’ll find a variety of articles on different topics, offering insights, tips, and inspiration. Explore our latest posts and join the conversation.


Here you’ll find a variety of articles on different topics, offering insights, tips, and inspiration. Explore our latest posts and join the conversation.


Robert Southey’s Dreams Revisited

As well as being poet laureate for 30 years and a prolific writer of letters, Robert Southey was an avid recorder of his dreams. W.A. Speck, author of Robert Southey: Entire Man of Letters, explores the poet's dream diary and the importance of dreams in his work.

W.A. Speck

Dec 5, 2011


Robert Southey’s Dreams Revisited

As well as being poet laureate for 30 years and a prolific writer of letters, Robert Southey was an avid recorder of his dreams. W.A. Speck, author of Robert Southey: Entire Man of Letters, explores the poet's dream diary and the importance of dreams in his work.

W.A. Speck

Dec 5, 2011


Robert Southey’s Dreams Revisited

As well as being poet laureate for 30 years and a prolific writer of letters, Robert Southey was an avid recorder of his dreams. W.A. Speck, author of Robert Southey: Entire Man of Letters, explores the poet's dream diary and the importance of dreams in his work.

W.A. Speck

Dec 5, 2011

Beach Picnic

Rambling Reflections: Summers in Switzerland and Sheffield

In the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Philipp Moritz — from the peace of Lake Biel to the rugged Peaks — Seán Williams considers the connection between walking and writing.

Seán Williams

Nov 12, 2018

Beach Picnic

Rambling Reflections: Summers in Switzerland and Sheffield

In the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Philipp Moritz — from the peace of Lake Biel to the rugged Peaks — Seán Williams considers the connection between walking and writing.

Seán Williams

Nov 12, 2018

Beach Picnic

Rambling Reflections: Summers in Switzerland and Sheffield

In the footsteps of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Philipp Moritz — from the peace of Lake Biel to the rugged Peaks — Seán Williams considers the connection between walking and writing.

Seán Williams

Nov 12, 2018

Flash Mob: Revolution, Lightning, and the People’s Will

Kevin Duong explores how leading French revolutionaries, in need of an image to represent the all important “will of the people”, turned to the thunderbolt — a natural symbol of power and illumination that also signalled the scientific ideals so key to their project.

Kevin Duong

Sep 9, 2017

Flash Mob: Revolution, Lightning, and the People’s Will

Kevin Duong explores how leading French revolutionaries, in need of an image to represent the all important “will of the people”, turned to the thunderbolt — a natural symbol of power and illumination that also signalled the scientific ideals so key to their project.

Kevin Duong

Sep 9, 2017

Flash Mob: Revolution, Lightning, and the People’s Will

Kevin Duong explores how leading French revolutionaries, in need of an image to represent the all important “will of the people”, turned to the thunderbolt — a natural symbol of power and illumination that also signalled the scientific ideals so key to their project.

Kevin Duong

Sep 9, 2017

Beauty in Randomness: The Unintentional Art of Torn Street Posters

This unintentional art form, created by chance, challenges traditional notions of artistry and highlights the inherent creativity of randomness.

Rezza Mohebi

May 28, 2024

Beauty in Randomness: The Unintentional Art of Torn Street Posters

This unintentional art form, created by chance, challenges traditional notions of artistry and highlights the inherent creativity of randomness.

Rezza Mohebi

May 28, 2024

Beauty in Randomness: The Unintentional Art of Torn Street Posters

This unintentional art form, created by chance, challenges traditional notions of artistry and highlights the inherent creativity of randomness.

Rezza Mohebi

May 28, 2024

Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky, Group of Children [Russian Empire], 1909, digital colour composite by Walt Frankhauser, 2005–2020. The blurred child furthest left can be seen turning their head toward the camera across the three negatives that formed this colour composite

In Search of True Color: Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky’s Flawed Images

Archived amid Prokudin-Gorsky’s vast photographic survey of the Russian Empire, we find images shot through with starshatter cracks, blebbed with mildew, and blurred by motion

Erica X Eisen

Dec 7, 2022

Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky, Group of Children [Russian Empire], 1909, digital colour composite by Walt Frankhauser, 2005–2020. The blurred child furthest left can be seen turning their head toward the camera across the three negatives that formed this colour composite

In Search of True Color: Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky’s Flawed Images

Archived amid Prokudin-Gorsky’s vast photographic survey of the Russian Empire, we find images shot through with starshatter cracks, blebbed with mildew, and blurred by motion

Erica X Eisen

Dec 7, 2022

Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky, Group of Children [Russian Empire], 1909, digital colour composite by Walt Frankhauser, 2005–2020. The blurred child furthest left can be seen turning their head toward the camera across the three negatives that formed this colour composite

In Search of True Color: Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky’s Flawed Images

Archived amid Prokudin-Gorsky’s vast photographic survey of the Russian Empire, we find images shot through with starshatter cracks, blebbed with mildew, and blurred by motion

Erica X Eisen

Dec 7, 2022

A drawing by the medium Mrs Smead of a Martian man and woman, reproduced in James H. Hyslop's Psychical Research and the Resurrection (1908)

Pajamas from Spirit Land: Searching for William James

After the passing of William James — philosopher, early psychologist, and investigator of psychic phenomena — mediums across the US began receiving messages from the late Harvard professor

Alicia Puglionesi

Mar 2, 2022

A drawing by the medium Mrs Smead of a Martian man and woman, reproduced in James H. Hyslop's Psychical Research and the Resurrection (1908)

Pajamas from Spirit Land: Searching for William James

After the passing of William James — philosopher, early psychologist, and investigator of psychic phenomena — mediums across the US began receiving messages from the late Harvard professor

Alicia Puglionesi

Mar 2, 2022

A drawing by the medium Mrs Smead of a Martian man and woman, reproduced in James H. Hyslop's Psychical Research and the Resurrection (1908)

Pajamas from Spirit Land: Searching for William James

After the passing of William James — philosopher, early psychologist, and investigator of psychic phenomena — mediums across the US began receiving messages from the late Harvard professor

Alicia Puglionesi

Mar 2, 2022